<% @ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '**************************************************************************************** '** Copyright Notice '** '** Web Wiz Forums(TM) '** http://www.webwizforums.com '** '** Copyright (C)2001-2008 Web Wiz(TM). All Rights Reserved. '** '** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS UNDER LICENSE FROM 'WEB WIZ'. '** '** IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT THEN 'WEB WIZ' IS UNWILLING TO LICENSE '** THE SOFTWARE TO YOU, AND YOU SHOULD DESTROY ALL COPIES YOU HOLD OF 'WEB WIZ' SOFTWARE '** AND DERIVATIVE WORKS IMMEDIATELY. '** '** If you have not received a copy of the license with this work then a copy of the latest '** license contract can be found at:- '** '** http://www.webwizguide.com/license '** '** For more information about this software and for licensing information please contact '** 'Web Wiz' at the address and website below:- '** '** Web Wiz, Unit 10E, Dawkins Road Industrial Estate, Poole, Dorset, BH15 4JD, England '** http://www.webwizguide.com '** '** Removal or modification of this copyright notice will violate the license contract. '** '**************************************************************************************** '*************************** SOFTWARE AND CODE MODIFICATIONS **************************** '** '** MODIFICATION OF THE FREE EDITIONS OF THIS SOFTWARE IS A VIOLATION OF THE LICENSE '** AGREEMENT AND IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED '** '** If you wish to modify any part of this software a license must be purchased '** '**************************************************************************************** 'Set the response buffer to true as we maybe redirecting Response.Buffer = True 'Dimension variables Dim strReturnPage 'Holds the page to return to Dim strForumName 'Holds the forum name Dim intReadPermission 'holds the forums read permisisons Dim strSearchKeywords 'Holds the keywords to search for Dim strSearchMode 'Holds the search mode Dim strSearchUser 'Holds the user to search for Dim intCurrentRecord 'Holds the recordset array position Dim sarrySubscribedForums 'Holds the subscribed forums Dim sarrySubscribedTopics 'Holds the subscribed topics Dim sarryForumSelect 'Holds the array with all the forums Dim intSubForumID 'Holds if the forum is a sub forum Dim intTempRecord 'Temporay record store Dim blnHideForum 'Holds if the jump forum is hidden or not Dim strCatName 'Holds the category name Dim intCatID 'Holds the cat ID Dim intForumID2 'Holds the read in forum id Dim lngTopicID 'Holds post id for searching posts intCurrentRecord = 0 'Read in values passed to this form intForumID2 = CInt(Request("FID")) strSearchKeywords = Trim(Mid(Request("KW"), 1, 35)) strSearchUser = Trim(Mid(Request.QueryString("USR"), 1, 25)) strSearchMode = Trim(Mid(Request.QueryString("SM"), 1, 3)) lngTopicID = CLng(Request("TID")) 'DB hit to get forums with cats and permissions, for the forum select drop down If lngTopicID = 0 Then 'Initlise the sql statement strSQL = "" & _ "SELECT " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_ID, " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_name, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Sub_ID, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_name, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Hide, " & strDbTable & "Permissions.View_Forum " & _ "FROM " & strDbTable & "Category" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Forum" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Permissions" & strDBNoLock & " " & _ "WHERE " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_ID = " & strDbTable & "Forum.Cat_ID " & _ "AND " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Forum_ID " & _ "AND (" & strDbTable & "Permissions.Author_ID = " & lngLoggedInUserID & " OR " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Group_ID = " & intGroupID & ") " & _ "ORDER BY " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_order, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_Order, " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Author_ID DESC;" 'Query the database rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon 'Place the subscribed topics into an array If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then 'Read in the row from the db using getrows for better performance sarryForumSelect = rsCommon.GetRows() End If 'Clean up rsCommon.Close End If Call closeDatabase() 'If active users is enabled update the active users application array If blnActiveUsers Then 'Call active users function saryActiveUsers = activeUsers("", strTxtSearchingForums, "search_form.asp", 0) End If 'Set bread crumb trail If lngTopicID <> 0 Then strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & strNavSpacer & strTxtTopic & " " & strTxtSearch Else strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & strNavSpacer & strTxtSearchTheForum End If %> <% If lngTopicID <> 0 Then Response.Write(strTxtTopic & " " & strTxtSearch) Else Response.Write(strTxtSearchTheForum) %> <% '***** START WARNING - REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS CODE WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ****** Response.Write("" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf) '***** END WARNING - REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS CODE WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ****** %>

<% If lngTopicID <> 0 Then Response.Write(strTxtTopic & " " & strTxtSearch) Else Response.Write(strTxtSearchTheForum) %>

<% 'If seraching a topic don't include the other options If lngTopicID = 0 Then %> <% End If %>
<% = strTxtSearchKeywords %>
<% = strTxtSearchbyKeyWord %>
<% 'Include the follwoing if doing a topic search If lngTopicID <> 0 Then %> <% End If %>
<% = strTxtSearchbyUserName %>
<% = strTxtMemberSearch %>  <% = strTxtExactMatch %>
<% = strTxtSearchOptions %>
<% = strTxtSearchForum %>
<% = strTxtCtrlApple %>
<% = strTxtSearchIn %>
<% = strTxtFindPosts %>
<% = strTxtSortResultsBy %>
<% = strTxtDisplayResultsAs %>

<% '***** START WARNING - REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS CODE WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ****** If blnLCode = True Then If blnTextLinks = True Then Response.Write("Bulletin Board Software by Web Wiz Forums® version " & strVersion & "") If blnACode Then Response.Write(" [Free Express Edition]") Else Response.Write("") If blnACode Then Response.Write("
Powered by Web Wiz Forums Free Express Edition") End If Response.Write("
Copyright ©2001-2008 Web Wiz") End If '***** END WARNING - REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS CODE WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ****** 'Display the process time If blnShowProcessTime Then Response.Write "

" & strTxtThisPageWasGeneratedIn & " " & FormatNumber(Timer() - dblStartTime, 3) & " " & strTxtSeconds & "
" %>