<% @ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '**************************************************************************************** '** Copyright Notice '** '** Web Wiz Forums(TM) '** http://www.webwizforums.com '** '** Copyright (C)2001-2008 Web Wiz(TM). All Rights Reserved. '** '** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS UNDER LICENSE FROM 'WEB WIZ'. '** '** IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT THEN 'WEB WIZ' IS UNWILLING TO LICENSE '** THE SOFTWARE TO YOU, AND YOU SHOULD DESTROY ALL COPIES YOU HOLD OF 'WEB WIZ' SOFTWARE '** AND DERIVATIVE WORKS IMMEDIATELY. '** '** If you have not received a copy of the license with this work then a copy of the latest '** license contract can be found at:- '** '** http://www.webwizguide.com/license '** '** For more information about this software and for licensing information please contact '** 'Web Wiz' at the address and website below:- '** '** Web Wiz, Unit 10E, Dawkins Road Industrial Estate, Poole, Dorset, BH15 4JD, England '** http://www.webwizguide.com '** '** Removal or modification of this copyright notice will violate the license contract. '** '**************************************************************************************** '*************************** SOFTWARE AND CODE MODIFICATIONS **************************** '** '** MODIFICATION OF THE FREE EDITIONS OF THIS SOFTWARE IS A VIOLATION OF THE LICENSE '** AGREEMENT AND IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED '** '** If you wish to modify any part of this software a license must be purchased '** '**************************************************************************************** 'Set the response buffer to true as we maybe redirecting Response.Buffer = True 'Clean up Set rsCommon = Nothing 'If Priavte messages are not on then send them away If blnPrivateMessages = False Then 'Clean up Call closeDatabase() 'Redirect Response.Redirect("default.asp" & strQsSID1) End If 'If the user is not allowed then send them away If intGroupID = 2 OR blnActiveMember = False OR blnBanned Then 'Clean up Call closeDatabase() 'Redirect Response.Redirect("insufficient_permission.asp" & strQsSID1) End If 'Delete the topic from the database 'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to get the topic from the database strSQL = "DELETE FROM " & strDbTable & "BuddyList " & strRowLock & " " & _ "WHERE (((" & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Author_ID)=" & lngLoggedInUserID & " ) " & _ " AND ((" & strDbTable & "BuddyList.Address_ID)= " & CLng(Request.QueryString("pm_id")) & "));" 'Delete the message from the database adoCon.Execute(strSQL) 'Reset Server Objects Call closeDatabase() 'Return to the page showing the threads Response.Redirect("pm_buddy_list.asp" & strQsSID1) %>