% @ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
'** Copyright Notice
'** Web Wiz Forums(TM)
'** http://www.webwizforums.com
'** Copyright (C)2001-2008 Web Wiz(TM). All Rights Reserved.
'** If you have not received a copy of the license with this work then a copy of the latest
'** license contract can be found at:-
'** http://www.webwizguide.com/license
'** For more information about this software and for licensing information please contact
'** 'Web Wiz' at the address and website below:-
'** Web Wiz, Unit 10E, Dawkins Road Industrial Estate, Poole, Dorset, BH15 4JD, England
'** http://www.webwizguide.com
'** Removal or modification of this copyright notice will violate the license contract.
'*************************** SOFTWARE AND CODE MODIFICATIONS ****************************
'** If you wish to modify any part of this software a license must be purchased
Response.Buffer = True
'Make sure this page is not cached
Response.Expires = -1
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 2
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "No-Store"
'Dimension variables
Dim sarryPosts 'Holds the posts recordset
Dim strForumName 'Holds the forum name
Dim intCatID 'Holds the cat ID
Dim strCatName 'Holds the cat name
Dim intMasterForumID 'Holds the main forum ID
Dim strMasterForumName 'Holds the main forum name
Dim lngTopicID 'Holds the topic number
Dim strSubject 'Holds the topic subject
Dim strUsername 'Holds the Username of the thread
Dim lngUserID 'Holds the ID number of the user
Dim dtmPostDate 'Holds the date the thread was made
Dim strMessage 'Holds the post to display
Dim strTopicIcon 'Holds the topic icon
Dim lngMessageID 'Holds the message ID number
Dim strAuthorHomepage 'Holds the homepage of the Username if it is given
Dim strAuthorLocation 'Holds the location of the user if given
Dim strAuthorAvatar 'Holds the authors avatar
Dim strAuthorSignature 'Holds the authors signature
Dim lngAuthorNumOfPosts 'Holds the number of posts the user has made to the forum
Dim dtmAuthorRegistration 'Holds the registration date of the user
Dim lngNumberOfViews 'Holds the number of times the topic has been viewed to save back to the database
Dim intStatus 'Holds the users interger status
Dim strStatus 'Holds the users status
Dim strMode 'Holds the mode of the page that is being passed
Dim intTopicPageNumber 'Holds the topic page position to link back to
Dim blnIsModerator 'Set to true if the user who posted the message is a forum moderator
Dim blnForumLocked 'Set to true if the forum is locked
Dim blnTopicLocked 'set to true if the topic is locked
Dim intThreadNo 'Holds the number of threads in the topic
Dim intPriority 'Holds the priority level of the topic
Dim intRecordPositionPageNum 'Holds the recorset page number to show the Threads for
Dim intTotalRecordsPages 'Holds the number of pages
Dim intTopicPageLoopCounter 'Loop counter for other thread page link
Dim intTotalRecords 'Holds the total number of therads in this topic
Dim strAuthorIP 'Holds the authors IP
Dim strSearchKeywords 'Holds the keywords to search for
Dim sarySearchWord 'Array to hold the search words
Dim strGroupName 'Holds the authors group name
Dim intRankStars 'Holds the number of stars for the group
Dim strRankCustomStars 'Holds custom stars for the user group
Dim lngPollID 'Holds the poll ID
Dim blnPollNoReply 'Set to true if users can't reply to a poll
Dim blnBannedIP 'Set to true if the user is using a banned IP
Dim dtmLastEntryDate 'Holds the date of the last post entry to the topic
Dim intIndexPosition 'Holds the idex poistion in the emiticon array
Dim intNumberOfOuterLoops 'Holds the outer loop number for rows
Dim intLoop 'Holds the loop index position
Dim intInnerLoop 'Holds the inner loop number for columns
Dim strMemberTitle 'Holds the members title
Dim blnIsUserOnline 'Set to true if the user is online
Dim blnHidePost 'Set to true if post is hidden
Dim strPostTableRowClass 'Post row colour
Dim intStartPosition 'Holds the start poition for records to be shown
Dim intEndPosition 'Holds the end poition for records to be shown
Dim intCurrentRecord 'Holds the current records for the posts
Dim strGuestUsername 'Holds the Guest Username if it is a guest posting
Dim blnHideTopic 'Set to true if topic is hidden
Dim lngGetPostID 'Holds the post to go straight to
Dim strSortBy 'Holds the direction the posts are listed in
Dim strPostTableSideClass 'Holds the post message side column css class
Dim strPostTableTopClass 'Holds the post table top details
Dim dtmEventDate 'Holds the date if this is a calendar event
Dim dtmEventDateEnd 'Holds the date if this is a calendar event
Dim intPageLinkLoopCounter 'Loop counter for page links include
Dim intPostRowsSpan 'Holds the rowspam number for post table formatting
Dim strForumPassword 'Holds the forum password
Dim intUnReadForumPostsLoop 'Loop counter for unread loop array
Dim intAutoLockTopicsAmount 'Holds the amount topics are auto closed at
Dim blnUnreadPost 'Set to true if the post is un-read
'Initialise variables
strMode = "reply"
lngMessageID = 0
lngGetPostID = 0
intForumID = 0
lngTopicID = 0
intThreadNo = 0
blnIsModerator = False
blnPollNoReply = False
blnBannedIP = False
blnHidePost = False
intPriority = 0
blnHideTopic = False
blnUnreadPost = False
intAutoLockTopicsAmount = 15000 'Topics with more than 15,000 posts are auto locked as users with higher amounts have reported performance and database issues
'See if the user is using a banned IP address
If bannedIP() Then
'If the user is using a banned IP then set the banned IP variable to true and active member variable to false
blnBannedIP = True
End If
'If this is the first time the page is displayed then the Forum Thread record position is set to page 1
If isNumeric(Request.QueryString("PN")) = false Then
intRecordPositionPageNum = 1
ElseIf Request.QueryString("PN") < 1 Then
intRecordPositionPageNum = 1
'Else the page has been displayed before so the Forum Thread record postion is set to the Record Position number
intRecordPositionPageNum = CInt(Request.QueryString("PN"))
End If
'Read in the Topic ID for the topic to display
If isNumeric(Request.QueryString("TID")) Then lngTopicID = CLng(Request.QueryString("TID")) Else lngTopicID = 0
'If there is no Topic ID then redirect the user to the main forum page
If lngTopicID = 0 Then
'Clean up
Call closeDatabase()
Response.Redirect("default.asp" & strQsSID1)
End If
'Read in the post ID if we are going straight to a post
If isNumeric(Request.QueryString("PID")) Then lngGetPostID = CLng(Request.QueryString("PID"))
'Fix for stupid IE 6 redirect bug (IE SUCKS!!!) MS have fixed this for IE7
If lngGetPostID = 0 AND Request.QueryString("PID") <> "" Then
'Remove the '#' hash anchor mark IE 6 includes in the string when doing a redirect (IE SUCKS!!)
If InStr(Request.QueryString("PID"), "#") Then lngGetPostID = CLng(Mid(Request.QueryString("PID"), 1, InStr(Request.QueryString("PID"), "#")-1))
End If
'Read in the keywords if comming from a search
strSearchKeywords = Trim(Mid(Request.QueryString("KW"), 1, 35))
'Split up the keywords to be searched
sarySearchWord = Split(Trim(strSearchKeywords), " ")
'Sort the direction of db results from session
If Request.QueryString("OB") = "DESC" Then
strSortBy = "DESC"
ElseIf Request.QueryString("OB") = "ASC" Then
strSortBy = "ASC"
ElseIf getSessionItem("OB") = "DESC" Then
strSortBy = "DESC"
strSortBy = "ASC"
End If
'Save the sort results order to app session
If isNumeric(Request.QueryString("OB")) AND Request.QueryString("OB") <> "" Then Call saveSessionItem("OB", Request.QueryString("OB"))
'If this is a top priority post across all forums then read in the forum ID form the querystring and ingnore the real topic forum ID
If Request.QueryString("PR") = "3" Then intForumID = Cint(Request.QueryString("FID"))
strSQL = "" & _
"SELECT" & strDBTop1 & " " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_ID, " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_name, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID AS ForumID, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Sub_ID, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_name, " & strDbTable & "Forum2.Forum_name AS Main_forum, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Password, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_code, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Locked AS forumLocked, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Poll_ID, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Subject, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Icon, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Locked AS topicLocked, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Priority, " & strDbTable & "Topic.No_of_views, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Hide, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Event_date, " & strDbTable & "Topic.Event_date_end, " & strDbTable & "Permissions.* " & _
"FROM " & strDbTable & "Category" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Forum" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Forum AS " & strDbTable & "Forum2" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Permissions" & strDBNoLock & ", " & strDbTable & "Topic" & strDBNoLock & " " & _
"WHERE " & strDbTable & "Category.Cat_ID = " & strDbTable & "Forum.Cat_ID " & _
"AND " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Forum_ID "
'Get the forum ID from the topic table
If intForumID = 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & _
"AND " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & strDbTable & "Topic.Forum_ID "
'Else this is a priority post so get the forum ID from the querystring (security built in later to make sure the user is not trying to view a post they shouldn't)
strSQL = strSQL & "" & _
"AND " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & intForumID & " "
End If
strSQL = strSQL & "" & _
"AND (" & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & intForumID & " OR " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & strDbTable & "Topic.Forum_ID) " & _
"AND (" & strDbTable & "Forum.Sub_ID = " & strDbTable & "Forum2.Forum_ID OR (" & strDbTable & "Forum.Sub_ID = 0 AND " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_ID = " & strDbTable & "Forum2.Forum_ID)) " & _
"AND " & strDbTable & "Topic.Topic_ID = " & lngTopicID & " " & _
"AND (" & strDbTable & "Permissions.Author_ID = " & lngLoggedInUserID & " OR " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Group_ID = " & intGroupID & ") " & _
"ORDER BY " & strDbTable & "Forum.Sub_ID, " & strDbTable & "Forum.Forum_Order, " & strDbTable & "Permissions.Author_ID DESC" & strDBLimit1 & ";"
'Set error trapping
On Error Resume Next
'Query the database
rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
'If an error has occurred write an error to the page
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call errorMsg("An error has occurred while executing SQL query on database.", "get_forum_data", "forum_posts.asp")
'Disable error trapping
On Error goto 0
'If there is no record returended then set a message to say that
If rsCommon.EOF Then
'If there are no thread's to display then display the appropriate error message
strSubject = strTxtNoThreads
'Else get the details of the forum, permissions, and topic details
'Read in forum details from the database
intForumID = Cint(rsCommon("ForumID"))
intCatID = CInt(rsCommon("Cat_ID"))
strCatName = rsCommon("Cat_name")
strForumName = rsCommon("Forum_name")
strMasterForumName = rsCommon("Main_forum")
intMasterForumID = CLng(rsCommon("Sub_ID"))
blnForumLocked = CBool(rsCommon("forumLocked"))
blnHideTopic = CBool(rsCommon("Hide"))
If isDate(rsCommon("Event_date")) Then dtmEventDate = CDate(rsCommon("Event_date"))
If isDate(rsCommon("Event_date_end")) Then dtmEventDateEnd = CDate(rsCommon("Event_date_end"))
'Read in the forum permissions
blnRead = CBool(rsCommon("View_Forum"))
blnPost = CBool(rsCommon("Post"))
blnReply = CBool(rsCommon("Reply_posts"))
blnEdit = CBool(rsCommon("Edit_posts"))
blnDelete = CBool(rsCommon("Delete_posts"))
blnPriority = CBool(rsCommon("Priority_posts"))
blnPollCreate = CBool(rsCommon("Poll_create"))
blnVote = CBool(rsCommon("Vote"))
blnModerator = CBool(rsCommon("Moderate"))
blnCheckFirst = CBool(rsCommon("Display_post"))
strForumPassword = rsCommon("Password")
'Read in the topic details
lngPollID = CLng(rsCommon("Poll_ID"))
strSubject = rsCommon("Subject")
strTopicIcon = rsCommon("Icon")
blnTopicLocked = CBool(rsCommon("topicLocked"))
intPriority = CInt(rsCommon("Priority"))
'Clean up input to prevent XXS hack
strSubject = formatInput(strSubject)
'If the user has no read writes then kick them out
If blnRead = False Then
'Reset Server Objects
Call closeDatabase()
'Redirect to a page asking for the user to enter the forum password
Response.Redirect("insufficient_permission.asp" & strQsSID1)
End If
'If the forum requires a password and a logged in forum code is not found on the users machine then send them to a login page
If strForumPassword <> "" AND (getCookie("fID", "Forum" & intForumID) <> rsCommon("Forum_code") AND getSessionItem("Forum" & intForumID) <> rsCommon("Forum_code")) Then
'Reset Server Objects
Call closeDatabase()
'Redirect to a page asking for the user to enter the forum password
Response.Redirect("forum_password_form.asp?RP=PT&FID=" & intForumID & "&TID=" & lngTopicID & strQsSID3)
End If
'Update no. of views, if not a bot (bots can index a poge 100's of times thus making the view count unreliable
If NOT OSType = "Search Robot" Then
'Read in the number of views for the page form the database
lngNumberOfViews = CLng(rsCommon("No_of_views"))
'Add 1 to the number of views the Topic has had
lngNumberOfViews = lngNumberOfViews + 1
'Write the number of times the Topic has been viewed back to the database
'Initalise the strSQL variable with the SQL string
strSQL = "UPDATE " & strDbTable & "Topic" & strRowLock & " " & _
"SET " & strDbTable & "Topic.No_of_views = " & lngNumberOfViews & " " & _
"WHERE (((" & strDbTable & "Topic.Topic_ID) = " & lngTopicID & "));"
'Set error trapping
On Error Resume Next
'Write to the database
'If an error has occurred write an error to the page
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call errorMsg("An error has occurred while writing to the database.", "update_no._views", "forum_posts.asp")
'Disable error trapping
On Error goto 0
End If
End If
'clean up
'Securtiy check - if this isn't a Priority post and the user is just trying to view a post in a forum they don't have permission to
'then reload the page without the forum ID
If Request.QueryString("PR") = "3" AND NOT intPriority = 3 Then
'Reset Server Objects
Call closeDatabase()
'Redirect back to this page without the forum ID
Response.Redirect("forum_posts.asp?TID=" & lngTopicID & strQsSID3)
End If
'Use the application session to pass around what forum this user is within
Call saveSessionItem("FID", intForumID)
'Intilise SQL query to get all the posts
'Use a LEFT JOIN for the Guest name as there may not be a Guest name and so we want to include null values
strSQL = "" & _
"SELECT " & strDbTable & "Thread.Thread_ID, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Message, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Message_date, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Show_signature, " & strDbTable & "Thread.IP_addr, " & strDbTable & "Thread.Hide, " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID, " & strDbTable & "Author.Username, " & strDbTable & "Author.Homepage, " & strDbTable & "Author.Location, " & strDbTable & "Author.No_of_posts, " & strDbTable & "Author.Join_date, " & strDbTable & "Author.Signature, " & strDbTable & "Author.Active, " & strDbTable & "Author.Avatar, " & strDbTable & "Author.Avatar_title, " & strDbTable & "Group.Name, " & strDbTable & "Group.Stars, " & strDbTable & "Group.Custom_stars, " & strDbTable & "GuestName.Name " & _
"FROM (" & strDbTable & "Group INNER JOIN (" & strDbTable & "Author INNER JOIN " & strDbTable & "Thread ON " & strDbTable & "Author.Author_ID = " & strDbTable & "Thread.Author_ID) ON " & strDbTable & "Group.Group_ID = " & strDbTable & "Author.Group_ID) LEFT JOIN " & strDbTable & "GuestName ON " & strDbTable & "Thread.Thread_ID = " & strDbTable & "GuestName.Thread_ID " & _
"WHERE " & strDbTable & "Thread.Topic_ID = " & lngTopicID & " "
'If this isn't a moderator only display hidden posts if the user posted them
If blnModerator = false AND blnAdmin = false Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (" & strDbTable & "Thread.Hide = " & strDBFalse & " "
'Don't display hidden posts if guest
If intGroupID <> 2 Then strSQL = strSQL & "OR " & strDbTable & "Thread.Author_ID = " & lngLoggedInUserID
strSQL = strSQL & ") "
End If
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY " & strDbTable & "Thread.Message_date " & strSortBy & ";"
'Set error trapping
On Error Resume Next
'Query the database
rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
'If an error has occurred write an error to the page
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call errorMsg("An error has occurred while executing SQL query on database.", "get_topic_posts_data", "forum_posts.asp")
'Disable error trapping
On Error goto 0
'If there is a topic in the database then get the post data
If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then
'Read in the topic recordset into an array
sarryPosts = rsCommon.GetRows()
'Clean up
'SQL Query Array Look Up table
'0 = tblThread.Thread_ID,
'1 = tblThread.Message,
'2 = tblThread.Message_date,
'3 = tblThread.Show_signature,
'4 = tblThread.IP_addr,
'5 = tblThread.Hide,
'6 = tblAuthor.Author_ID,
'7 = tblAuthor.Username,
'8 = tblAuthor.Homepage,
'9 = tblAuthor.Location,
'10 = tblAuthor.No_of_posts,
'11 = tblAuthor.Join_date,
'12 = tblAuthor.Signature,
'13 = tblAuthor.Active,
'14 = tblAuthor.Avatar,
'15 = tblAuthor.Avatar_title,
'16 = tblGroup.Name,
'17 = tblGroup.Stars,
'18 = tblGroup.Custom_stars
'19 = tblGuestName.Name
'Count the number of records
intTotalRecords = Ubound(sarryPosts,2) + 1
'Count the number of pages for the topics using '\' so that any fraction is omitted
intTotalRecordsPages = intTotalRecords \ intThreadsPerPage
'If there is a remainder or the result is 0 then add 1 to the total num of pages
If intTotalRecords Mod intThreadsPerPage > 0 OR intTotalRecordsPages = 0 Then intTotalRecordsPages = intTotalRecordsPages + 1
'Get the record poistion to display from
'If the page number to show from is higher than the last page number then the last page number is the highest page
If (intRecordPositionPageNum > intTotalRecordsPages) OR (Request.QueryString("get") = "last") Then
'Set the page position number to the highest page number
intRecordPositionPageNum = intTotalRecordsPages
End If
'If we need to jump straight to a particular post calculate which page to go to
If NOT lngGetPostID = 0 AND NOT intTotalRecordsPages = 1 Then
'Calculate how many posts are before the post we want
For intLoop = 0 to (intTotalRecords - 1)
'If we have found the post then calcualte the page it is on
If CLng(sarryPosts(0,intLoop)) = lngGetPostID Then
'Calculate page number (use FIX to get the whole number)
intRecordPositionPageNum = FIX(intLoop / intThreadsPerPage) + 1
'Exit Loop
Exit For
End If
End If
'Start position
intStartPosition = ((intRecordPositionPageNum - 1) * intThreadsPerPage)
'End Position
intEndPosition = intStartPosition + intThreadsPerPage
'Get the start position
intCurrentRecord = intStartPosition
'Get the last post date to set the read session cookie for the un-read post icon
'If displayed 'Newest Post First' then it will be the first post that has the last post date
If strSortBy = "DESC" Then
dtmLastEntryDate = CDate(sarryPosts(2,0))
'If displayed 'Oldest Post First' it will be the last post that has the last post date
dtmLastEntryDate = CDate(sarryPosts(2,intTotalRecords-1))
End If
'To prevent performance issues, topics are auto closed when they reach xxxx posts
If intTotalRecords > intAutoLockTopicsAmount Then
strSQL = "UPDATE " & strDbTable & "Topic" & strRowLock & " " & _
"SET " & strDbTable & "Topic.Locked = " & strDBTrue & " " & _
"WHERE " & strDbTable & "Topic.Topic_ID = " & lngTopicID & ";"
'Set error trapping
On Error Resume Next
'Write to the database
'If an error has occurred write an error to the page
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call errorMsg("An error has occurred while writing to the database.", "auto_lock_topic", "forum_posts.asp")
'Disable error trapping
On Error goto 0
'Set the locked bulletin to true
blnTopicLocked = True
End If
'Else if no record is retuned we do not want to be displaying a foum title
strSubject = ""
End If
'If we have not yet checked for unread posts since last visit run it now
If Session("dtmUnReadPostCheck") = "" Then
Call UnreadPosts()
'Read in array if at application level
ElseIf isArray(Application("sarryUnReadPosts" & strSessionID)) Then
sarryUnReadPosts = Application("sarryUnReadPosts" & strSessionID)
'Read in the unread posts array
ElseIf isArray(Session("sarryUnReadPosts")) Then
sarryUnReadPosts = Session("sarryUnReadPosts")
End If
'Page to link to for mutiple page (with querystrings if required)
strLinkPage = "forum_posts.asp?TID=" & lngTopicID & "&"
If Request.QueryString("KW") <> "" Then strLinkPage = strLinkPage & "KW=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString("KW")) & "&"
If Request.QueryString("FID") <> "" Then strLinkPage = strLinkPage & "FID=" & intForumID & "&"
If Request.QueryString("PR") <> "" Then strLinkPage = strLinkPage & "PR=" & CInt(Request.QueryString("PR")) & "&"
'If active users is enabled update the active users application array
If blnActiveUsers Then
'If there are keywords this is a search
If Request.QueryString("KW") <> "" Then
'Call active users function
saryActiveUsers = activeUsers(strTxtViewingTopic & " " & strTxtSearchResults, strSubject, strLinkPage & "PN=" & intRecordPositionPageNum, intForumID)
'Else normal topic
'Call active users function
saryActiveUsers = activeUsers(strTxtViewingTopic, strSubject, strLinkPage & "PN=" & intRecordPositionPageNum, intForumID)
End If
End If
'Set bread crumb trail
'Display the category name
strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & strNavSpacer & "" & strCatName & "" & strNavSpacer
'Display if there is a main forum to the sub forums name
If intMasterForumID <> 0 Then strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & "" & strMasterForumName & "" & strNavSpacer
'Display forum name
If strForumName = "" Then strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & strTxtNoForums Else strBreadCrumbTrail = strBreadCrumbTrail & "" & strForumName & ""
'Set the status bar tools
'Active Topics Links
strStatusBarTools = strStatusBarTools & " " & strTxtActiveTopics & ""
'If RSS XML enabled then display an RSS button to link to XML file
If blnRSS AND (isNull(strForumPassword) OR strForumPassword = "") AND dtmLastEntryDate > DateAdd("ww", -intRSSLinkDisplayWeeks, now()) Then strStatusBarTools = strStatusBarTools & "
'Write the HTML head of the page
'If the forum is locked show a locked pad lock icon
If blnForumLocked Then
Response.Write (" |
<% = strTxtPostReply %> |
<% = strTxtAuthor %> |
<% = strTxtMessage %><% If strSortBy = "DESC" Then Response.Write("
'Topic Search Link
Response.Write (" " & _
" ")
End If
'Topic Options drop down
Response.Write(" 2 AND blnEmail AND blnLoggedInUserEmail AND blnActiveMember Then Response.Write("getAjaxData('ajax_email_notify.asp?TID=" & lngTopicID & "&PN=" & intRecordPositionPageNum & strQsSID2 & "', 'ajaxEmailSub');")
Response.Write("showDropDown('topicOptions', 'optionsMenu', 122, 26);"" class=""dropDownPointer"">" & strTxtHiddenTopics & " " & _
"" & strTxtTopicAdmin & " ")
'Lock or un-lock forum if admin
If blnTopicLocked Then
Response.Write("" & strTxtUnLockTopic & " ")
Response.Write("" & strTxtLockTopic & " ")
End If
'Hide or show topic
If blnHideTopic = false Then
Response.Write("" & strTxtHideTopic & " ")
Response.Write("" & strTxtShowTopic & " ")
End If
Response.Write("" & strTxtDeleteTopic & " ")
Response.Write("" & _
" & strTxtPostReply & " " & _
"" & strTxtCreateNewTopic & " ")
If blnPollCreate Then Response.Write("" & strTxtCreateNewPoll & " ")
Response.Write("" & strTxtPrintVersion & " ")
'Email Topic Option
If intGroupID <> 2 AND blnEmail AND blnActiveMember Then Response.Write("" & strTxtEmailTopic & " ")
'Display option to subscribe or un-subscribe to topic
If intGroupID <> 2 AND blnEmail AND blnLoggedInUserEmail AND blnActiveMember Then Response.Write("")
%> |
<% = strUsername %> <% = strTxtMembersProfile %> <%
'Memeber drop down options
If blnPrivateMessages Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtSendPrivateMessage & " ")
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtFindMembersPosts & " ")
If strAuthorHomepage <> "" Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtVisitMembersHomepage & " ")
If blnPrivateMessages Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtAddToBuddyList & " ")
<% = strGroupName %> <% 'If the user has an avatar then display it If blnAvatar = True AND strAuthorAvatar <> "" Then Response.Write(" " & strMemberTitle) 'If not a guest post then display some details If lngUserID <> 2 Then 'Show the joined date Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtJoined & ": " & DateFormat(dtmAuthorRegistration)) 'If the is a location display it If strAuthorLocation <> "" Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtLocation & ": " & strAuthorLocation) 'If active users is enabled see if the user is online If blnActiveUsers Then 'Display if the user is online blnIsUserOnline = False 'Loop through the active users array For intLoop = 1 To UBound(saryActiveUsers, 2) If saryActiveUsers(1, intLoop) = lngUserID Then blnIsUserOnline = True Next 'Display if the user is online If blnIsUserOnline Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtOnlineStatus & ": " & strTxtOnLine2) Else Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtOnlineStatus & ": " & strTxtOffLine) End If 'Display the num of posts Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtPosts & ": " & lngAuthorNumOfPosts) End If %> |
'Disply post options if there are any for this user
If (blnTopicLocked = False) OR (blnAdmin OR blnModerator) Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " ")
'Post options drop down
If intGroupID <> 2 Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " ")
'If the topic is not locked put in a link for someone to quote this message
If blnTopicLocked = False AND blnPollNoReply = False AND blnHidePost = False Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " ")
End If
'If the topic is not locked put in a link for someone to quote this message
If blnTopicLocked = False AND blnPollNoReply = False AND blnHidePost = False Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtPostReply & " " & _
vbCrLf & " " & strTxtQuote & " " & strUsername & " ")
End If
'Display the report post feature if email is enabled.
If (blnEmail AND intGroupID <> 2 AND lngUserID <> lngLoggedInUserID AND blnActiveMember) AND (blnAdmin = false AND blnModerator = false) Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtReportPost & " ")
'If the logged in user is the person who posted the message or the forum administrator/moderator then allow them to edit or delete the message
If (lngLoggedInUserID = lngUserID AND blnForumLocked = False AND blnActiveMember AND blnTopicLocked = False) OR (blnAdmin OR blnModerator) Then
'Only let the user edit the post if they have edit rights
If blnEdit OR blnAdmin Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " 0 AND intThreadNo = 1 Then Response.Write("&POLL=" & lngPollID)
Response.Write("" & strQsSID2 & """ rel=""nofollow"">" & strTxtEditPost & " ")
End If
'Only let a normal user delete there post if someone hasn't posted a reply
If (intTotalRecords = intThreadNo) OR (blnAdmin OR blnModerator) Then
'Only let the user delete the post if they have delete rights
If blnDelete OR blnAdmin Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtDeletePost & " ")
End If
End If
End If
'If the user is the forum admin or a moderator
If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then
'Let them hide the post
If blnHidePost Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtApprovePost & " ")
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtHidePost & " ")
End If
'Let them move the post to another forum
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtMovePost & " ")
'Display the IP address for IP blocking to admin/moderators
If strAuthorIP <> "" Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " " & strTxtBlockUsersIP & " ")
End If
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " ") End If 'Display message post date and time Response.Write(strTxtPosted & " " & DateFormat(dtmPostDate) & " " & strTxtAt & " " & TimeFormat(dtmPostDate)) 'Display IP if admin or moderator If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write(" - " & strTxtIP & ": " & strAuthorIP) %> |
<% = strMessage %>
'If the user wants there signature the display it
If CBool(sarryPosts(3,intCurrentRecord)) AND strAuthorSignature <> "" Then
Response.Write(vbCrLf & " | " & _
vbCrLf & " |
" & _ formatSignature(strAuthorSignature)) End If 'Show your Google ads If intCurrentRecord = 0 AND strMyGoogleAdSenseID <> "pub-9026955576675812" Then Response.Write(vbCrLf & " | " & _ vbCrLf & "|
") Response.Write(strAdSenseCodePost) End If %> | |
![]() |
<% = strTxtNoThreads %> |
<% = strTxtPostReply %> |
<% 'Display table for email and/or page links If intTotalRecordsPages > 1 Then %><% End If %> |